Question#1 3 marks:
SELECT * FRO Persons
WHERE Firstname Like “% da %”;
What does the above statement returne?
Question#2 3 marks:
What is the difference between Primary key and a unique key with reference to clustered and non-clustered indenses?
Question#3 5 marks:
Create a simple index, named “Personal Index” on the LastName field of the person table?
Question#4 5 marks:
Writing the basic syntax of adding a record to a table.
Question#5 5 marks:
Give 4 simlarities between Materialzed views and indexes.?
Question#6 3 marks:
How do the stamping approach works to give priorities to the transactions?
Question#7 2 marks:
Name the primary key models for taking locks?
Question#8 2 marks:
State any two problems that can come up as a result of inconsistent data base?