there were total 48 question
42 mcq's
3 long question = 15marks
3 short question = 9 marks
abt price discrimination ..5marks
thumb role of monopoly.. 5marks
cournot and bertrand models Similarities.. 5marks
import quotas and traiffs.. 3marks
intertemporal price discrimation vs peak-load price.. 3marks
n 3rd 1 is abt up word sloping market supply of input.. 3marks
3 long question = 15marks
3 short question = 9 marks
abt price discrimination ..5marks
thumb role of monopoly.. 5marks
cournot and bertrand models Similarities.. 5marks
import quotas and traiffs.. 3marks
intertemporal price discrimation vs peak-load price.. 3marks
n 3rd 1 is abt up word sloping market supply of input.. 3marks