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NOTE: This blog having all past papers from midterm & final term exams, and uploaded on the same day when the papers was held. For SOLVED PAPERS you may visit VUsolutions GURU website. We dedicated VUsolutions GURU website just for past SOLVED papers & SOLVED online quizzes.

VU Past solved papers

Monday, February 21, 2011

CS609 VU Final Term Current Paper (Feb 2011)

CS609 VU Final Term Current Paper (Feb 2011)

Q # 1 [Markes:5]
Write down the structure of segment register in protected modes?

Q # 2 [Markes:5]
Write down the anatomy of NTFS based file system?

Q # 3 [Markes:5]
Find the root directory sector where reserved sectors = 1 and sector per FAT = 9. Use appropriate assumption where needed.

Q # 4 [Markes:3]
How many maximum root directory entries are possible in FAT 12 & FAT 16?

Q # 5 [Markes:3]
What is the CHS and LBA address of MBR?

Q # 6 [Markes:3]
Write down the names of three different states of viruses.

Q # 7 [Markes:3]
How contents of small and large files are managed in MFT ?

Q # 8 [Markes:2]
What is the segmentation is context of non contiguous memory management system?

Q # 9 [Markes:2]
Write down the major enhancement of FAT32 comparing to FAT12 and 16.

Q # 10 [Markes:2]
Write down the purpose of interrupt 12H and interrupt 15H/88H.

Q # 11 [Markes:2]
For what he purpose services are used


LAH /06
LAH /07
LAH /09
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