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NOTE: This blog having all past papers from midterm & final term exams, and uploaded on the same day when the papers was held. For SOLVED PAPERS you may visit VUsolutions GURU website. We dedicated VUsolutions GURU website just for past SOLVED papers & SOLVED online quizzes.

VU Past solved papers

Monday, February 21, 2011

HRM624 Mgmt624 VU Final Term Current Paper (Feb 2011)

HRM624 Mgmt624 VU Final Term Current Paper (Feb 2011)

Today my paper was cancelled due to softwere and light issue

although paper was consist of

53 q

MCQ's were conceptual

Meditation cover most part of paper

Short Q were

1 List down at least 6 method of conflict resolution

2 Two enemies donot want to adopt ligitation,which methode will b approprate for them to satel their dispute

3 Facilitative mediation
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