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NOTE: This blog having all past papers from midterm & final term exams, and uploaded on the same day when the papers was held. For SOLVED PAPERS you may visit VUsolutions GURU website. We dedicated VUsolutions GURU website just for past SOLVED papers & SOLVED online quizzes.

VU Past solved papers

Friday, February 18, 2011

Mgmt625 HRM625 Final Term Current Paper (Feb 2011)

Mgmt625 HRM625 Final Term Current Paper (Feb 2011)

1. How Winter relate QMM to evolutionary theory of change? 3
2. Discuss organization control system? 3
3. Environment creep and organizational creep? 3
4. Pettigrew and whipp's what organizational factor affect process of change? 3
5. Allex miller's metaphore statement? 5
6. Basic assumptions of Burke Litwin model? 5

Another Paper:

1- List down the features of incremental model? 3marks
2- Briefly discuss the importance of shared values in organizational change? 3marks
3- What does mean by deep structures in organization in context of incrementalisam? 3 marks
4- How do transformational leaders influence the technological change process in an organization? 5 Marks
5- Why the participative approach is comparable to the OD model and which techniques are used to implement change? 5 Marks
6- In what ways organizational change is considered as problematic process? 5 marks

Another Paper:

1. Differentiate between Functional Strategy and Process Strategy. 3 Marks
2. What do you know about Burke Litwin Model of Organizational Change?
3 Marks
3. Why Participative approach is considered as a mean of Recognition?
3 Marks
4. What impact Transactional Leaders have on the technological change process in the organization? 5 Marks
5. How can you distinguish between inappropriate innovation and episodic innovation? 5 Marks
6. Discuss the situation in which Unilateral change approach is more effective? 5 Marks

Another Paper:

1. Assumptions of grainer model
2. Role of middle management and change process
3. Problems of a large hierarchical level organization
4. Differentiate convergent period from reorientation
5. Role of dialectical cycle
6. Turf protection
7. Sources of SOC with example

Another Paper:

1) Environmental creep and organizational creep 3 marks
2) Describe 3 dimensions of incremental model 3 marks
3) What does mean by deep structures in organization in context of incrementalisam 5marks
4) Describe transitional leader 3 marks
5) Describe dimensions of strategic change 5 marks
6) Briefly describe turf privacy 5marks
7) Dialectical theory 5 marks

Another Paper:

*How many types of organizational changes in P-E Model 5*
*Force-field Analysis of a Lather Company 5*
*Difference between selection and adaptation 5*
*Important aspects of inner and outer context 5*
*Momentum in terms of change 3*
*Describe emergent approach 3*
*Difference b/w functional strategy and Process strategy 3*
*Issues of Organizational Ecological Model 3 *
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