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NOTE: This blog having all past papers from midterm & final term exams, and uploaded on the same day when the papers was held. For SOLVED PAPERS you may visit VUsolutions GURU website. We dedicated VUsolutions GURU website just for past SOLVED papers & SOLVED online quizzes.

VU Past solved papers

Friday, February 18, 2011

Mgt401 Final Term Current Paper (Feb 2011)

Mgt401 Final Term Current Paper (Feb 2011)

56 mcq'a 8 questions

Mostly quizez were from LEC 41 IAS-10, LEC 37 IAS-8, LEC 22, 23, and form lease lectures. some quizez were from online quizez.

steps of formation of company 3

what accountant face prior errors define according to IAS 08 3

one question from shares chapter 3

which book value of account most suitable according to companies ordinance act 1984 section 236/ 5

the book value of asset 8796 has dertroyed due to fire after balance sheet date,
define which event is this? and what accounting treatment will be for this asset? 5

if opening accout receivable are 150000
account receivable end of year 152000
credit sales are 25000 5

find out total cash received
find out future value of your investment according to given data

one long question was from lease chapter
calculate lease amortization 5

one question yaad nahi
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