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NOTE: This blog having all past papers from midterm & final term exams, and uploaded on the same day when the papers was held. For SOLVED PAPERS you may visit VUsolutions GURU website. We dedicated VUsolutions GURU website just for past SOLVED papers & SOLVED online quizzes.

VU Past solved papers

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Mgt602 Final Term Current Paper (Feb 2011)

Mgt602 Final Term Current Paper (Feb 2011)

disadvantages of acquisition? 5 marks
basic points or features of SBA Small Business Administrative? 5 marks
advantages and disadvantages of asset based financing?
write different types of private investors? 3 marks
what is accredited investors ? 3 marks
reasons why business plan fails ? 3 marks

Another Paper:

describe enternp in pakistan marks 5
disadventage of acquistion marks 5
describe trade show marks 3
role of NGO marks 3
briefly describe small sindh industr corporation marks 5
small business administration loans marks 5
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