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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

STA630 Subjective Question (Solved) (Part 2 of 2)

Historical Comparative Research depends upon some factors. list down those?- Ch#40

Historical-comparative research is suited for examining the combination of societal factors that produce a specific outcome (e.g., civil war). It is also appropriate for comparing entire social system to see what is common across societies and what is unique, and to study long term change.

Using APA style, describe quotations, i-e what is their format in writting a litrature view?- Ch#45

Yeh book main se dekho

Parts of executive summary 5marks Pag#161

The summary should be written only after the rest of the report is completed. It represents the essence of the report. Two to three pages are generally sufficient for a properly condensed summary. (For very big reports which run into number of volumes, like the one finds in the feasibility reports of big projects, the summary may be very big.) The summary should be written to be self-sufficient. In fact, it is not uncommon for a summary to be detached from the report and circulated it.

The summary contains four elements:

1. The objectives of the report are stated, including the most important background and specific purposes of the project.

2. The major results are presented. The key results regarding each purpose should be included.

3. The conclusions that are based on the results. There should be logical interpretation of the results which could lead to the stated conclusions.

4. The recommendations or suggestions for action, which are based on the conclusions. The recommendations must logically emerge from the results.

Note: In many reports you may see that the executive summary comes first which is followed by the table of contents.

For students writing their thesis, in place of executive summary, they write an abstract of their thesis.

This abstract is usually of one or two paragraphs. Abstract has information on the topic, the research problem, the basic findings, and any ‘unusual’ research design or data collection features.

Parts of research report 3marks

The Makeup of the Report – the Report Parts

Prefatory parts

1. Title fly page

2. Title page

3. Letter of transmittal

4. Letter of authorization

5. Table of contents

6. Executive summary

Main body

1. Introduction

2. Methodology

3. Results

4. Conclusions and recommendations

5. References

Appended parts

1. Data collection forms (questionnaires, checklist, interview guide, other forms)

2. Detailed calculations

3. General tables

4. Other support material

5. Bibliography, if needed

Components of Bivariate Tables 3marks

Bivariate Tables

The bivariate contingency table is widely used. The table is based on cross-tabulation (crossclassification); that is the cases are organized in the table on the basis of two variables at the same time. A contingency table is formed by cross-tabulating the two or more variables. It is contingent because the cases in each category of a variable get distributed into each category of a second variable. The table distributes cases into categories of multiple variables at the same time and shows how the cases, by the category of one variable, are “contingent upon” the categories of the other variables.

How we can use secondary analysis

Secondary analysis is a special case of existing statistics; it is reanalysis of previously collected survey or other data that was originally gathered by others. As opposed to primary research (e.g., experiments, surveys, and content analysis), the focus is on analyzing rather than collecting data.

Secondary analysis is increasingly used by researchers. It is relatively inexpensive; it permits Comparisons across groups, nations, or time; it facilitates replication; and permits asking about issues not thought by the original researchers. There are several questions the researcher interested in secondary research should ask: Are the secondary data appropriate for the research question? What theory and hypothesis can a researcher use with the data? Is the researcher already familiar with the substantive area? Does the researcher understand how the data were originally gathered and coded? Large-scale data collection is expensive and difficult. The cost and time required for major national surveys that uses rigorous techniques are prohibitive for most researchers. Fortunately, the organization, preservation, and dissemination of major survey data sets have improved. Today, there are archives of past surveys open to researchers (e.g., data on Population Census of Pakistan, Demographic Survey of Pakistan).

53) Reference format 5 marks.

Author: Abraham Maslow

Name of Journal: International journal of psychology

Title: Need hierarchy theory

Page number: 20-23

Year of publish: 1946

What is bibliography and reference. 3 Lecture No 45

A bibliography is the listing of the works that are relevant to the topic of research interest arranged in alphabetical order of the last names of authors.

A reference list is a subset of the bibliography, which includes details of all the citations used in the literature survey and elsewhere in the report, arranged again, in the alphabetical order of the last names of authors.

What do we write in executive summary of a research report?

Executive Summary of Research Report:

It is very important part of the report. And it is observed that mostly managers read summary report normally and rest members read whole report.

The summary contains four elements:

1. The objectives of the report are stated, including the most important background and specific purposes of the project.

2. The major results are presented. The key results regarding each purpose should be included.

3. The conclusions that are based on the results. There should be logical interpretation of the results which could lead to the stated conclusions.

4. The recommendations or suggestions for action, which are based on the conclusions. The recommendations must logically emerge from the results.

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