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VU Past solved papers

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Mkt610 Final Term Current Paper (Feb 2011)

Mkt610 Final Term Current Paper (Feb 2011)

CRM PAPER 15-02-11, eveving 5:00 pm

Total question: 64
Mcqs: 56

Subjective question

Q: Service differentiation is difficult. Explain with an example. Marks 3
Q: How website should be designed to attract customers? Marks 3
Q: Describe symptoms of poor listening. Marks 3

Q: You are a marketing manager of a firm. What kind of question you will ask to judge consumer behaviour. Explain. Marks 5
Q: Why center manager want emplyees to be educated about life cycle ? Marks 5
Q: Life cycle of individual customer is predictable. Elaborate this statement. Marks 5
Q: Describe Customer relationship managment in your own words. Marks 5
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